Schedule of Payment
To reserve a space, you must pay an application fee of $600 (which is part of the total cost of the course and is not an extra or supplement.) The remainder of the cost of the course program is due 60 days before the course begins to which the student has enrolled.
Participants can pay in full at once to avoid additional bank charges (but remember your space is not reserved until we receive at least a $600 deposit).
The cost of the course is expressed in US dollars, not in Euros or other currencies.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
- The deposit fee of 600 dollars is refundable up to 20 days after the payment of the bank transfer for this amount was made. After 20 days, it will not be refundable under any circumstances.
- All payments are 100% refundable more than 60 days before the start of the chosen course, except for the deposit of 600 dollars.
- All payments are non-refundable less than 59 days before the start of the chosen session. However, 15% of the payment (-not including the application fee-) will be returned for documented injury or illness of the participant or family member with justified and certified documentation.
-There is no refund available for participants who decide to leave before the scheduled date.
Right of Refusal
-If for any reason the elected session is canceled, all payments are 100% refundable, travel expenses not included.
- Participants that do not participate on a daily basis in the scheduled activities will not be allowed to stay in the residency and asked to leave the course. There is no refund available for participants that decide to leave the course early unless it is for a document injury or illness of the participant or the participant's family.
-The program director reserves the right to expel a participant from the program should that person's behavior compromise the safety, research objectives and general performance of the group, or violate European laws, regulations or customs. In the case of expulsion, the participant loses all rights to the program (including room and board). In the case of expulsion, program payment is non-refundable.
By sending us your application, you confirm that you have read, understood and agreed to the above.
If you have any questions, please email Fernando Contreras