In the Fieldwork
How to dig and which archaeological techniques are used.
- Use and handling of the tools that are used during the excavation process.
- Basic principles of stratigraphy.
- Recording the data obtained during the excavation using the Harris Method.
- Practice on the recognition of archaeological materials and Roman finds from the II century B.C. - VI A.D.
- Basic procedures for sample collection.
In the Laboratory
Study and typological classification of archaeological objects of Roman archaeology: ceramics, numismatics, faunal remains, metals and glass.
- Relative dating based on the classification of archaeological objects discovered in stratigraphic sequence.
- History, archaeology, economy and culture of the Roman civilization.
- Introduction to the History of the Sanisera Site.
- Minorcan archaeology before the Roman conquest of the Balearic Islands.
006: Dig in the Roman City of Sanisera
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