Fernando Contreras Rodrigo (Lleida. Spain - 1967)
Director of the excavations at Sanitja and of the Ecomuseum de Cap de Cavalleria since 1997. President of the association "Sa Nitja. Gestión del Patrimonio Mediterráneo" founded in 1993. He obtained the Prize Fundació "la Caixa" in 1992: "Revalorització Ciutats Romanes de Catalunya i Illes Balears". FPI U.A.B. Internship 1991-95. His research fields are: Romanization in Minorca; Archaeological software; Cultural management; Museum development for the heritage of Sanitja and the Cap de Cavalleria. Director of the excavations in Mago (Pla Mirall, 2000-2002), Iamo (Correos, 1999), and Sanisera (Prospection 1993-1995, Excavation 1996-1998). His projects involving Minorca's cultural heritage include: Defense Tower in Fornells (CIM – 1996), Ecomuseum de Cap de Cavalleria (Leader II – 1997), Cavalleria Lighthouse (Futures – 1998).
Alicia Alonso García (Madrid. Spain - 1994)
She graduated in Biology and completed a master's degree in Physical Anthropology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She focuses her research on the study of past populations from direct and indirect human remains, frequently using image techniques.
She belongs to a research group Laboratorio de Poblaciones del Pasado (LAPP) at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, specialized in the study of archaeobiological remains and through which she has acquired experience in human osteology. It is also part of the al Madam-al Khudairah Project. Life in the Oasis, death in the Hills, which includes her doctoral thesis focused on the analysis of human footprints through 3D models and new technologies.
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