In the Fieldwork
Funerary practices at the Sanisera site.
- Taphonomic factors affecting survival of skeletal material.
In the Laboratory
- Complete osteological analysis of an individual funerary unit.
Assessment of disarticulated remains and computation of minimum number of individuals.
- Application of standard techniques of bone measurement, age estimation, sex estimation, classification of dental pathology and tooth wear.
- Identification of fragmentary bones.
- Utilization of anatomical terminology to describe and discuss skeletal elements.
- Recording osteological information on complex forms.
- Recognition of non-metric traits and pathological bone.
- Development and application of osteological methods.
- Assessment of cremated remains.
- Chemical analyses of human bone – isotopes and DNA.
- Identifying trauma in archaeological bone.
- Challenges in paleodemography and paleoepidemiology.
- Estimating ancestry of human skeletal remains.
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