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USMadeline Parker

"I would like to work in a university"
University Ohio State University
Department Ohio State University
Degrees BS in Biology and Anthropology
Biography I will graduate from Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science, double majoring in biology and anthropology in May 2016. I have assisted with human osteology courses and worked in the Bioarch Lab at OSU. Currently I am applying to graduate schools for forensic anthropology masters programs.
I have experience in this areas
GIS Underwater Archaeology
Archaeology Anthropology
Conservation Video Documentary
Faunal remains Art & Museums
My experience in Sanisera
Year/s 2015
Course/s Digging Anthropology in the Sanisera Necropolis, Advanced Osteological Analysis in the Roman Necropolis of Sanisera
My Opinion I learned more at Sanisera than I had hoped when signing up for the courses. The staff was phenomenal and wanted to help the students learn as much as they could. If I had unlimited funds, I would go back every year and stay as long as possible.

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