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USSpencer Fehr

"I would like to work as a professional archeologist"
University University of Utah
Department University of Utah
Degrees Anthropology B.S. focus in archaeology
Biography I am a hard working individual who thinks that it's important to maintain physical, mental, spiritual, and intellectual well being. My focus and passion has been archaeology, I would love to make this my professional career. I have experience in Great Basin and Mediterranean archaeology
I have experience in this areas
GIS Underwater Archaeology
Archaeology Anthropology
Conservation Video Documentary
Faunal remains Art & Museums
My experience in Sanisera
Year/s 2016
Course/s Dig in Roman City of Sanisera
My Opinion I love the school and had a great time. It took a lot to get me out of the field and back on the bus because I could spend the day out at site digging and researching finds.

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