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USJamie Adair

"I would like to work as a professional archeologist"
University Appalachian State University
Department Appalachian State University
Degrees Bachelor of Science in Biological Anthropology
Biography I am a Spring 2016 grad from App State. I have participated in a field school in North Carolina as well as Spain. I currently volunteer as an exhibit guide at a local science center and am actively seeking more field experience. My interests are in bioarchaeology and paleopathology.
I have experience in this areas
GIS Underwater Archaeology
Archaeology Anthropology
Conservation Video Documentary
Faunal remains Art & Museums
My experience in Sanisera
Year/s 2016
Course/s Dig in the Neocropolis
My Opinion I spent two sessions digging in the necropolis at Sanisera. The staff here has really been so welcoming and supportive. I have learned so much about Menorcan culture and history and am excited to see the future of the Sanisera excavations!

Sanisera Archaeology Institute

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