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USStacy Shoe Ricker

"I'm studying. Not looking work or col·laboration"
University University of Southern Maine
Department University of Southern Maine
Degrees B.A Anthropology with minor in Archaeology and History
Biography My name is Stacy. I just recently finished my BA in Anthropology and was looking to do a did in a foreign country and find out what it would be like from start to finish. I will be working on site of Malaga Island, Maine, pre archaic Indian tribe. I am looking into doing digs as well as conservation
I have experience in this areas
GIS Underwater Archaeology
Archaeology Anthropology
Conservation Video Documentary
Faunal remains Art & Museums
My experience in Sanisera
Year/s 2019
My Opinion I loved it! It is a well rounded program that allowed me to get some field experience with osteology and excavation in the city.

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