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USKarla Milicich

"I would like to work in a museum or laboratory"
University University of California, Irvine
Department University of California, Irvine
Degrees History, Anthropology Double Major, Archaeology Minor
Biography I am currently finishing my last year for my bachelor's degree. I have been fortunate enough to complete the Sanisera field school, specifically the program course that included both osteology and pottery specialization. I hope to continue my master's in material culture thanks to what I've learned.
I have experience in this areas
GIS Underwater Archaeology
Archaeology Anthropology
Conservation Video Documentary
Faunal remains Art & Museums
My experience in Sanisera
Year/s 2019
Course/s Dig in Roman City of Sanisera
My Opinion I really enjoyed my experience here at Sanisera. The instructors were very informative and knowledgeable. I enjoyed the course I had and I hope that there will be an advanced pottery course that I could take next year. This was definitely a very fun experience and very educative one as well.

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