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  All 2025 courses

006. Dig in the Roman City of Sanisera.

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Student digging in Sanisera

The research is focused on the archaeological excavation of Sanisera and it studies what happened in this Roman port connected to the maritime traffic that sailed the Mediterranean during those times. As a result, we know that this is a very interesting archaeological site, with abundant findings of multiple artifacts that will help us to reconstruct its past.
The excavation at the Roman city of Sanisera provides all the archaeological documentation necessary for the student to acquire enough training and experience in all aspects involving an excavation of the Roman civilization from the II century B.C. to the VI A.D.


008. Digging Anthropology in the Sanisera Necropolis

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Student working in Sanisera Necropolis

Fieldwork focuses on the excavation of funerary structures, specifically inhumation graves. In the laboratory students will learn to classify artifacts found, mainly human skeletal remains.


010: Digging remains and Biological Anthropology in Sanisera

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Cleaning bones in the labThis course focuses on the excavation and study of both the urban structures of the Roman city of Sanisera, where a monastery has been found and the excavation of inhumation tom bs from the classical period. In the laboratory students will learn to classify artifacts found, including Roman pottery, numismatics and faunal remains.


018 Advanced Osteological Analysis in the Roman Necropolis of Sanisera

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Students classifying bonesThis course focuses on the in-depth analysis of human skeletal remains excavated from the Roman necropolis of Sanisera. In this course we will use advanced osteological techniques to gain a better understanding of the lifestyle of population of Sanisera.


050 GIS, AutoCAD & Digital Illustration in archaeology

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Students classifying bonesThis course is designed for students that have participated in an archaeological excavation and would like to learn about archaeological tools used to document research information collected with rigor and quality, thanks to the handling of the field data processing translated to AutoCAD or/and ArcGIS software to create stratigraphic maps of the excavation.

If you are interested in archaeology as well as how to process this information using technical drawing, and digital illustration then this is the course you are looking for. This course accommodates participants with or without previous experience.


051 Advanced bioarchaeological techniques in the Necropolis of Lucena (Córdoba - Spain)

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Students classifying bonesThe fieldwork focuses on the in-depth analysis of human skeletal remains excavated from a necropolis discovered in the town of Lucena (Córdoba, Spain) dated between the 4th - 8th centuries AD. The goal is to use advanced osteological techniques to understand the lifestyle of the people who lived on this site.

Participants will learn the techniques of analyzing and recording information from human skeletal remains in an archaeological context. In this lab-based course, both lecture and experiential learning will be used to enable students to gain confidence in the identification and analysis of various skeletal conditions.


053 Bioarchaeological fieldwork of an underground funerary crypt of the San Mateo Church

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The San Mateo Church is one of the churches with the greatest architectural and artistic interest in the city of Jerez (Cádiz, Spain), founded during the medieval period, most of its building presents the typical Gothic architecture of the 14th - 15th centuries, with additions from the Renaissance and Baroque art.

The objective in this course of bioarcheological fieldwork will be to excavate the burial niches dating from the seventeenth century of the underground funerary crypt that belongs to the San Mateo Church. An old plan of the church basement confirms that the church basement houses a large number of burial tombs. This will be the first time this funerary crypt has been excavated.




