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  Courses in Digging graves, osteology & anthropology category

018 Advanced Osteological Analysis in the Roman Necropolis of Sanisera

Students classifying bonesThis course focuses on the in-depth analysis of human skeletal remains excavated from the Roman necropolis of Sanisera. In this course we will use advanced osteological techniques to gain a better understanding of the lifestyle of population of Sanisera.


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AT THE MOMENT REGISTRATION IS CLOSED TO THE COURSES BELOW. We want to challenge COVID-19 and we are going to start promoting our projects that will start in May 2021. We will do it slowly, and progressively if conditions improve, waiting to see how this pandemic evolves.

Spanish flag008. Digging Anthropology in the Sanisera Necropolis

Student working in Sanisera Necropolis

Fieldwork focuses on the excavation of funerary structures, specifically inhumation graves. In the laboratory students will learn to classify artifacts found, mainly human skeletal remains.







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Spanish flag009. Fieldwork in the Necropolis of Sanisera and GIS Applied in Archaeology

TombsFieldwork focuses on the excavation of funerary structures, specifically inhumation graves. In the laboratory students will learn to classify artifacts found, mainly human skeletal remain. Participants will also learn mapping tools applied to archaeology as well as topography, photogrammetry and archaeological recording systems with GIS (Geographic Information System).



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Spanish flag010: Digging remains and Biological Anthropology in Sanisera

Cleaning bones in the labThis course focuses on the excavation and study of both the urban structures of the Roman city of Sanisera, where a monastery has been found and the excavation of inhumation tombs from the classical period. In the laboratory students will learn to classify artifacts found, including Roman pottery, numismatics and faunal remains.





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Spain021 Biological Anthropology in the Sanisera Necropolis & Making an Archaeological Film (Menorca, Spain)

Student learning how the camera worksThis course has two main parts. During the first part, fieldwork focuses on the excavation of funerary structures, specifically inhumation graves. In the laboratory students will learn to classify artifacts found, mainly human skeletal remains. During the second part of the course, students will learn about the process of creating documentary video footage, preparing a plot, selection of scenes, sound and different aspects of audiovisuals.

General Information What you will learn Useful Information Staff Session & Cost 

Spanish flag043. Digging roman graves in the Necropolis of Sanisera & Archaeological Techniques of drawing, photography and digital illustration

Drawing a skullIf you are interested in bioarchaeology, how to excavate, classification of archaeological material from the Roman world as well as how to process this information using technical drawing, photography and digital illustration then this is the course you are looking for.

General Information What you will learn Useful Information Staff Sessions & Cost 




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